Month: July 2013

  • Musings on Nihilism and Metaphysics



    Today’s post will be a bit weirder than the usual fare. Ever since a fun discussion at Ephemerisle, I’ve had a bunch of things on my mind related to many worlds, the simulation hypothesis, and anthropics in general. I don’t understand anthropics. As far as I can tell, no one does. In the narrative of…

  • Still on Vacation, Self-leadership



    The usual personal-growthy stuff is less on my mind than usual (despite having gotten some good related reading done), since I’m still in Maine on vacation with my family, and I once again didn’t get around to writing my usual Monday post.  I’ll just throw out a brief story from my life. I wrote a…

  • Where I’ve Been, and a Brief Taxonomy of Bad Patterns



    I didn’t post yesterday because I was traveling all day. I got up extremely early and took Lydia on a cab to SFO for a flight to JFK, then took another flight to Portland, ME, then another cab, then a ferry. Add in time being pushed three hours ahead, and that’s the day. I also…

  • Being “Soulful”, Animal Training, and Finding Your Bottleneck



    Ever since I had a conversation with Anna Salamon a few weeks about about “soulfulness”, my thoughts keep returning to the topic. I don’t have a great definition of what being soulful is, and I’d say that it probably lines up pretty well but not perfectly with most people’s intuitive definitions. Anna explained it using…

  • I’ve Been Resisting Unblending



    There’s been a pattern going on in my own life recently that I’m going to try to articulate, mostly in hopes that doing so will help something shift. There’s a sense in which I can always unblend from my current trigger, go into Self, get some more perspective, laugh at myself, and get into a good…