Month: September 2014

  • New Perspectives on IFS



    I did some IFS with a friend last night around his nail-biting, an area where he hadn’t gotten much traction working on his own. Early in the process, when he expressed some judgements about the nail biting, I clarified that I wasn’t interested in getting him to stop biting his nails if we couldn’t first…

  • A Year of Updates about Operant and Classical Conditioning



    A year ago and a couple of days ago, we got our dog, Argos! Around then, I dived pretty deeply into learning about operant and classical conditioning, especially with respect to animal training. I read many books and blogs, attended ClickerExpo, and chatted with the trainers at our puppy socials. And after living with a…

  • Skill-Building Heuristics



    After I gave a talk at Ephemerisle, some months ago, I got some requests for a summary in writing. Here it finally is! My intuitive model of learning spits out that I learn best when I’m “challenged”. I’ve come to believe that a feeling of accomplishment and a desire to “consolidate” what I’ve learned (by…