Author: divia

  • 28 Weeks of Lydia

    Lydia had her six-month doctor’s visit this week. Nothing too eventful there. We’re doing the normal vaccine schedule, and it’s been working really well to have her in the wrap for her shots. That way she’s right up next to me and she can nurse right afterwards. Here are some stats: The scale said 7.56…

  • Conscious Judging, Mourning, and Self-Forgiveness



    One day, maybe I’ll write a post about how “judgement” (like “belief”), is one of those words that is overloaded to the point where using it at all is likely to interfere with precise communication. But today, I’ll just use the word “judgement” as best I can. While I was working with someone the other…

  • 27 Weeks of Lydia

    Six months plus one week! I’m tired right now, but tiredness has not characterized my week overall. We were both pretty happy this week. We’ve been doing solids for another whole week, so that still feels pretty new. We also went to the zoo today, which was maybe the first kid activity I planned for…

  • IFS and Learning to Visualize



    Last week, I did some first-time IFS with someone whose experience reminded me a lot of mine when I first got started. I used to be one of those people who said I had trouble visualizing. I don’t think I quite said that I couldn’t visualize, but it seemed hard to do so. When other people…

  • 26 Weeks of Lydia

    Lydia is six months old today! I find this quite exciting. We got her three new toys to play with, and she was definitely into their novelty. The caterpillar and car seem like good toys for her. The car is pretty much the only good rolling toy she has now, and it’s good for chasing around.…

  • Feeling Overwhelmed While Working?



    After our recent productivity webinar, I did some one-on-one IFS work, and I (again) ran into what I think is actually a pretty common not-so-uselful belief: “Until I’m finished, I can’t feel okay.” I used to think this way too, that I had to feel overwhelmed and guilty until I got all my important things done.…

  • 25 Weeks of Lydia

    Another week! This week wasn’t as hard for me emotionally as last week, nor was Lydia as happy. But continues to get stronger and learn more things. It’s hard to believe that, as of next week, we’ll have been doing this whole parenting thing for half a year! Lydia was born a week late, so…

  • “Did I Cause That?” Usually Comes from a Young Place



    Last week, I had a very useful conversation with my own IFS therapist. She helped me sort through a whole mess of confusing thoughts I had been having and get back to a grounded place. In the course of this process, one of the thoughts that came up for me was along the lines of…

  • 24 Weeks of Lydia

    This week was a hard one for me, for reasons that had nothing to do with Lydia. So it worked out well that it was a happy week for her! I’m definitely telling people she’s five and a half months old now, and she’s learning more and more all the time. I still take her…

  • Things IFS Teaches



    A while back, I made a list of things that I think people tend to learn from engaging with the IFS process, so I thought I would post it here. (There are obviously tons of other ways to learn these things, and many people will already know a bunch of them.) These are in no…