Balancing Needs in Relationships



I don’t have time to write something long this week, but I did want to pose a question that’s been on my mind.

When someone you care about wants something and you have mixed feelings about whether to give it to them, what are your heuristics for deciding what to do?

Do you have an internal voice or feeling that you trust to guide your decisions? Do you try to calculate how much it matters to each person, and if so is that process explicit or implicit? Do you like the way you think about these questions?

It’s possible that the question I’m posing already assumes an unhelpful frame, and I think it’s true that there’s often low-hanging fruit in the category of win-win solutions. But I’d love to hear people’s answers anyway.

Any and all thoughts on the subject are welcome.


One response to “Balancing Needs in Relationships”

  1. I generally try to give people I care about what they want in all cases except when I have substantial negative feelings toward doing so. “Mixed feelings” as I understand it fall short of this threshold. Accordingly, I would try to give.

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