Category: Blog

  • A Year of Updates about Operant and Classical Conditioning



    A year ago and a couple of days ago, we got our dog, Argos! Around then, I dived pretty deeply into learning about operant and classical conditioning, especially with respect to animal training. I read many books and blogs, attended ClickerExpo, and chatted with the trainers at our puppy socials. And after living with a…

  • Skill-Building Heuristics



    After I gave a talk at Ephemerisle, some months ago, I got some requests for a summary in writing. Here it finally is! My intuitive model of learning spits out that I learn best when I’m “challenged”. I’ve come to believe that a feeling of accomplishment and a desire to “consolidate” what I’ve learned (by…

  • Appreciating Contempt



    A couple of years ago, Will and I attended an event where someone asked us all to consider which emotion we had the hardest time owning and were most likely to resist and push away. We both gave the same answer: contempt. At the time I remember thinking that contempt seemed mean and not that…

  • How to Build a Tribe



    It is important to preface this entire document by saying that I had very specific objectives for creating a tribe. In particular, I wanted a group that was emotionally vulnerable with each other, who are reacting in real time to each other’s responses, where we create a safe space to say and feel and process…

  • How to Deal with Email



    One of the biggest problems that I commonly hear from my friends is that processing email is completely unmanageable. The most important thing to remember is that your attention is the most precious resource that you have, and you need to guard it jealously. All of the following principles flow from this fundamental insight. The…

  • Low Hanging Fruit for Health and Wellness



    Include in Diet Fish or cod liver oil: excellent source of omega-3 fats which most people are severely deficient in, take 1-2 tsp/day.  These fats are fragile molecules and can go rancid easily, so store them in the refrigerator.  If you buy capsules, bite into one occasionally to test for bitterness.  I buy the oil in…

  • Brief Clicker Expo Notes



    I went to ClickerExpo in January! The whole experience was terrific, and I think I learned quite a bit. I got a few new ideas, but not many. But I do think I understand many of the things I’d previously read about it more fully and in a way that’s more actionable. Real-life examples are invaluable…

  • Balancing Needs in Relationships



    I don’t have time to write something long this week, but I did want to pose a question that’s been on my mind. When someone you care about wants something and you have mixed feelings about whether to give it to them, what are your heuristics for deciding what to do? Do you have an…

  • One Thought and Two Links



    I skipped writing a blog post last week because I was tired and busy. I don’t feel up for writing a long one this week either, but I will share a thought and some links. I often look at my (13 month old) daughter’s eyes when I’m trying to figure out what she is thinking.…

  • Hypothetical Apostasy on Nutrition



    As many of you know, I am a major proponent of paleo/primal/ancestral/etc type diets. At this point the term “paleo” has come to be applied to many very different diets, but for the record my own personal beliefs coincide most strongly with the Perfect Health Diet. Whatever you want to call it, it is certainly…