Category: Parenting

  • 26 Weeks of Lydia

    Lydia is six months old today! I find this quite exciting. We got her three new toys to play with, and she was definitely into their novelty. The caterpillar and car seem like good toys for her. The car is pretty much the only good rolling toy she has now, and it’s good for chasing around.…

  • 25 Weeks of Lydia

    Another week! This week wasn’t as hard for me emotionally as last week, nor was Lydia as happy. But continues to get stronger and learn more things. It’s hard to believe that, as of next week, we’ll have been doing this whole parenting thing for half a year! Lydia was born a week late, so…

  • 24 Weeks of Lydia

    This week was a hard one for me, for reasons that had nothing to do with Lydia. So it worked out well that it was a happy week for her! I’m definitely telling people she’s five and a half months old now, and she’s learning more and more all the time. I still take her…

  • 23 Weeks of Lydia

    It’s been another week! No huge updates this week, but there have been a bunch of little things. I keep meaning to take more regular notes about what’s going on during the week, but I’m mostly just glad that I’ve been getting around to making these updates every Wednesday, since it all changes so quickly.…

  • 22 Weeks of Lydia

    Lydia turned five months old this week, and also went on her first camping trip. I got a really mild cold for a few days last week, though Lydia didn’t seem to be affected much. She was a bit sneezy, and I think she may have been sleeping more because of it. We were camping…

  • 21 Weeks of Lydia

    Lydia will be five months this Sunday, and I’ve started telling people she’s “almost five months” instead of “four and a half months”. Sleep I don’t think she’s woken up in the middle of the night this week and stayed up for a while. I skipped swaddling more times this week, so those nights were…

  • 20 Weeks of Lydia

    Twenty weeks already! I’ve been referring to Lydia as 4.5 months old, but next week she’ll be nearly 5 months. Probably the biggest thing this week was her four-month vaccines. Sleep A couple of times this week, Lydia has woken up in the middle of the night for a while, not just to feed. Not…