New Perspectives on IFS



I did some IFS with a friend last night around his nail-biting, an area where he hadn’t gotten much traction working on his own.

Early in the process, when he expressed some judgements about the nail biting, I clarified that I wasn’t interested in getting him to stop biting his nails if we couldn’t first find a better way to meet whatever need was currently being met by nail biting.

I assumed the nail biting was serving an important purpose.

Assuming that neurotic-seeming behaviors may be serving important purposes is part of the IFS instructions, so I’ve been saying stuff like that since I’ve started doing IFS. But saying it used to feel more like going through the motions. I’m not quite sure what I mean, because I really didn’t want to get rid of or change parts without their consent. It feels different now, though.

I trust that people’s internal ecosystems make quite a lot of sense.

On a related note, I haven’t had much desire to do IFS on myself recently. Or to have others do it on me. Mostly because I assume that I’ve internalized these processes enough that if things haven’t found a way to shift on their own in IFS-y ways, there’s a good reason they haven’t.

I’m still very open to conversations where I explore my psychology around a thing, but I want them to feel more organic.

I’m also more inclined to just try to give myself what I want instead of changing what I want, even if I sense that I want it in part because I’m hurt in some way. The example that came up most recently was thinking about how I often get angry after we hire cleaners, since they don’t do it exactly how I’d want them to. I think the getting angry is a bit of my own craziness, but these days I’m somewhat more inclined to actually get what I want anyway, instead of “healing” it.

This shift fits pretty well with the idea that paradigms work best as scaffolds instead of permanent structures. So, my IFS scaffold is pretty dismantled by now.

Probably not my clearest post ever, but I’ll leave it at that.


4 responses to “New Perspectives on IFS”

  1. Romeo Stevens Avatar
    Romeo Stevens

    Look into coherence therapy, mpseudonym ( got stuff out of it after he ran out of low hanging fruit in IFS.

    1. WilliamEden Avatar

      This has been on my radar for a couple of years now, and some mutual friends of ours are exploring it. I look forward to trying it myself!

      1. Here’s where I write about this:

        I still haven’t gotten around to posting about my snazzy new method; It makes use of episodic memory. I should do that soon, but I figure people can start with Focusing or IFS.

        I’ve been thinking that yet another thing I do, described in this second link, gets at the same mechanisms, with subtle but possibly-never-diminishing returns:

        (It takes as much work as IFS, if not more, but you get the IFS-effects as a byproduct, for free, while you’re actually doing it for other reasons. I don’t know if people who haven’t done lots of IFS-type-stuff get those byproducts, too, though.)

    2. Thanks. I have chatted with Jasen some about coherence therapy, but not looked into it deeply. Though I don’t feel particularly inclined to use coherence therapy for the same reasons I don’t feel particularly inclined to do IFS. And I do trust my intuition about how much to muck around with my mind in which ways during this phase of my life.

      (I’m am going to Aletheia this weekend, which feels different because it’s more of an interpersonal thing.)

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